Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

GOD's big secret :)


who will be strong enough to lift me up when i'm down

who will be patient enough to take care of me when i'm sick

who will be brave
enough to keep my heart and protect it from a phrase called brokenheart

who will be gentle enough to let the world
know how deep his love for me

who will be sweet enough to playin' guitar and singing together when i'm feel bad

who will be kind enough to wipe my tears and change it into a sincere smile

who ??

nobody can answer this short question,,

this is, one of the GOD's big secret for me :)

5 komentar:

  1. Well, I wanna try to answer hihi
    1. best friend
    2. mom
    3. best friend
    4. I don't know, which "his" you refer to :D
    5. your boyfriend
    6. mom, best friend and your boyfriend

    Aren't they right? Well, don't forget to visit and follow me back hehe

  2. Met Pagi,....
    Kunjungan balik..eh ada pelangi ya disini..
    jadiinget jingga,..hehehehe.

    salam kenal ya..sudah saya folback,... ^ ^

  3. Basith :
    hehe, ya bener yang kamu bilang,
    but, what i'm talking about in this posting is "Who's gonna be the GOD's choice to accompany me through this life, my soulmate :)"
    can you get the point ?
    anyway, thanks for reading, i'll visit yours :)

    Arr Rian :
    hehe, makasii..
    aku suka puisinya yg tentang jingga :D

  4. thanks udah mampir ke blog gue :)
